- Bryan Davis receives the 2023 TESA Award for Distinguished Program Achievement for his dedicated work in Disaster Assessment and Recovery.
- Shane McClellan receives the 2023 TESA Award for Distinguished Program Achievement for the impacts he has made serving Hill, Freestone, and McLennan County.
The award nominations close April 15 by 5:00 PM.
Please use the “Nomination Form” link in the descriptions to complete the application online. The nomination forms will need to be saved to your computer before being able to complete them.
Please send completed nomination form to Philip Shackelford at
Remember to save final file with nominee’s name.
CEA Award for Distinguished Program Achievement
Nominees must be County Extension Agents or team of agents, in one of five categories: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H and Youth, Community Development, and a Specialty Area. Agents must have developed outstanding educational programs utilizing the support provided by members of the Extension Specialist faculty and cooperated with the Specialists in a joint effort. The nomination should focus on educational programs and projects within the past three years. (TESA Agent Nomination Form)
Outstanding Friend of Extension Specialists
Nominee must be an outstanding individual who by working with/through Specialist(s) has made a significant contribution partnering with Extension programs in Texas. The nominee clearly demonstrates working with Extension specialists on a national, state-wide, regional, or multi-county basis. Nominees should be from outside of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. (TESA Friend of Extension Nomination Form)
Award for Outstanding Administrative Support
The Association will recognize an individual who provides outstanding clerical and technical support and assistance to Extension Specialists. Nominees are any administrative or clerical support staff member of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, provided that he/she has been employed by Texas A&M AgriLife or whose job responsibilities has included Extension support for at least one consecutive calendar year before the date of nomination. (TESA Support Staff Nomination Form)
John E. Hutchison Distinguished Extension Visionary Award
Nominees must be individuals external to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service who have significantly impacted the promotion and advocating of Extension education programs in Texas. Nominations will clearly demonstrate that the nominee significantly promoted and advocated Extension education programs on a national, state-wide, regional or multi-county basis. If you have someone in mind for this award please contact Will Keeling at Will.Keeling@ag.tamu.edu
All nominations will include materials which clearly demonstrate that the nominee has an outstanding record in using the support and services of Extension Specialists to the fullest. Names of Specialists and their support given should be included in the narration. The nomination should focus on educational programs and projects within the past three years. Please Note: All nominees must meet the approval of the appropriate supervisor (i.e. – DEA,RPL, Program Leader, etc) prior to consideration from the awards committee.