I. Guidelines for President-elect[SLK1]
A. Following election/installation, confer with President and Past President to discuss responsibilities of the office and arrange for transfer of records.
(ASAP, no later than August 31)
B. Coordinate advanced planning for the next year’s meeting (18-24 months in advance). Selection criteria will include easy access, nice facilities and availability of family oriented activities. A rotation of Hill Country, San Antonio, and Gulf Coast has drawn the most attendance and should be considered prior to signing a contract with a hotel/motel.
1. Investigate potential meeting location/facilities (Aug-Dec, 18-24 months in advance).
2. Propose location/facilities to Board (Winter Board Meeting 18 months in advance).
3. Negotiate contract and secure hotel and meeting facilities (ASAP following board approval).
C. Coordinate overall Planning Committee and Serve as host for the upcoming meeting. Location and facilities should have been secured by previous President-Elect.
1. Appoint a Chairman (or Co-Chairmen) for various planning and arrangements committees including, but not limited to, activities, finance, publicity, arrangements, program, and registration. Basically solicit help in planning the meeting, don’t try to do it by yourself.
(Throughout Fall, complete by Winter Board Meeting)
2. Confer with Treasurer/Finance committee regarding budget availability/needs for the upcoming meeting. Assist with preparation of annual budget proposal.
(Prior to Winter Board Meeting)
3. Submit meeting format, program (speakers, tours, activities, etc.), and registration fee details to the Executive Committee for approval.
(Throughout Spring, complete by Spring Board Meeting)
4. Coordinate with Treasurer the distribution/promotion of annual meeting details and registration information to members. Prepare for collection of registration information and registration payments.
(Spring Board Meeting, complete by May 31)
[SLK1]Revised with greater detail and suggested task dates