II. Guidelines for President[SLK1]
A. Following election/installation, confer with President-Elect and Past President to discuss responsibilities of the office and arrange for transfer of records.
(ASAP, no later than August 31)
B. Complete any necessary follow-up to the annual meeting including but not limited to sending official “thank you” to sponsors, speakers, and administrators.
(ASAP, no later than August 31)
C. Review tasks of all officers and committees to coordinate accountability for all tasks.
(Throughout the year)
D. Serve as primary contact with Extension Administration.
1. Establish initial contact regarding your new role as TESA President
(ASAP, no later than August 31)
2. Schedule future meetings/interaction with Extension Administration.
(ASAP, no later than August 31)[JRR2]
3. Maintain regular contact/meetings and provide TESA Board (and membership when appropriate) with summaries of discussions with Extension Administration.
(Throughout the year)
E. Appointments. The Past-President and Membership Chair should be able to help find willing volunteers.
1. Appoint Chapter Directors where vacancies exist.
(Complete by September 30)
2. Appoint Standing Committee Chairs
(Membership, Finance, Nominating, Awards)
(Complete by September 30)
3. Appoint other committee chairs as necessary (Audit, Fundraising)
(Complete by Winter Board Meeting)
4. Appoint a Parliamentarian. Preferably an individual would serve in this role for the entire year.
F. Prior to each Board Meeting (winter, spring, annual) solicit Board and membership for agenda items and/or items of concern to address with Administration. Preferably provide the Board with an agenda prior to each meeting.[JRR3]
(Throughout the year)
[SLK1]This section is new
[JRR2]Currently this includes getting on the notification list for Dromgoole’s quarterly Lync chats with association presidents.
[JRR3]And if, as it was during Spring 2013, to be TESA’s turn to host the Board meetings, then there is added responsibility of convening pre-peace meeting, chairing the peace meeting, and moderating the general session.