The Specialist Association:
- Was instrumental in establishing regular meetings with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Associate Director to discuss how the Texas Extension Specialists Association can support Extension and to communicate concerns and suggestions from the membership to Administration.
- Developed and presented to the Director of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension guidelines for the Extension Specialists Career Ladder System for professorial rank and promotion. The Texas Extension Specialist Association continues to provide input regarding this process to Administration.
- Was instrumental in encouraging Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Administration to establish a committee leading to the development of a career ladder system for rank and promotion of Extension assistants and associates.
- Increased awareness of opportunities for consulting and outside employment, clarification of guidelines and development of frequently asked questions.
- Developed and presented to the Extension Associate Director an appeals process which outlines procedures to guarantee fair treatment of specialists who challenge performance ratings, employment termination or conflict with supervisors.
- Was instrumental in obtaining approval of the procedure for blanket travel authorizations for campus-based faculty.
- Established an annual awards program recognizing the outstanding efforts of a county extension agent in each program area and a “Friend of Extension.”