Texas Extension Specialists Association
Administrative Guidelines
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide greater continuity in the transfer of responsibilities from President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Parliamentarian, Chapter Director and Committee Chairman to the person succeeding to the office or Chairmanship. The bylaws outline the general responsibilities of the President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and Committee Chairman, but these guidelines provide other details.
I. Guidelines for President-elect
A. Following election, confer with outgoing President to discuss responsibilities of the office and arrange for transfer of records by September 1.
B. Serve as overall Chairman of the annual meeting Central Planning Committee:
1. Appoint a Chairman (or Co-Chairmen) for various planning and arrangements committees including, but not limited to, activities, finance, publicity, arrangements, program, and registration.
2. Investigate potential meeting facilities and secure a hotel/motel for the TCESA Annual Meeting. Selection criteria will include easy access, nice facilities and availability of family oriented activities. A rotation of Hill Country, San Antonio, and Gulf Coast has drawn the most attendance and should be considered prior to signing a contract with a hotel/motel.
3. Submit meeting format, program (speakers, tours, activities, etc.), registration fee details to the Executive Committee for approval.
4. Coordinate distribution of annual meeting details and registration information to members.
II. Guidelines for Secretary
A. Following election, confer with outgoing Secretary to discuss responsibilities of the office and arrange for transfer of records by September 1.
B. Keep the President informed of official Association correspondence. The Secretary’s business address will be the Association’s official mailing address.
C. Assist in developing an electronic version of Association letterhead that lists the names of current year’s officers and Chapter Directors.
1. Use Association letterhead for all official correspondence. All members with e-mail capabilities will receive correspondence from the Association
as an attached PDF file or Word Processor file. All other members will receive mail with postage paid. Stamps may be purchased as needed by those initiating official correspondence, with receipts sent to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
2. Secretarial time and Extension facilities may be used to prepare and duplicate materials. Prepare original document on Association letterhead and develop PDF or make a hard copy for mailing or duplication. Secretary is encouraged to use all possible cost-saving techniques possible in the process of keeping the membership informed.
3. To minimize correspondence costs, e-mail should be used when possible. If Chapter Directors see a need for hard copies they are encouraged to print, copy and distribute the information to the Chapter members they represent.
4. Inform newly elected officers, Board members, Chapter Directors and Committee Chairmen (Co-Chairmen) of these correspondence guidelines.
III. Guidelines for Treasurer
A. Following election to office, confer with outgoing Treasurer to discuss available records, checks, materials and general information. Arrange for transfer of records and materials by September 1. Keep records in a safe and convenient location.
B. Arrange with a convenient bank to handle the Association’s account. This may include transferring the account from one bank to another. Take necessary action to qualify to sign checks and withdraw funds as needed.
C. Maintain computerized data base of Extension specialists. Keep an updated list of paid members posted on the Association web site (http://tcesa.tamu.edu). The data base and paid membership list allow Chapter Directors and Membership Committee members an easy way of determining which members owe dues. Update Membership Dues Form by August 15 and inform Membership Committee Chairman and Chapter Directors of its location (http://tcesa.tamu.edu/members.htm).
D. Keep accurate records of the Association’s financial activities.
E. Obtain and keep receipts for disbursements and issue receipts for income, as appropriate.
F. Spend money only as authorized. (The Treasurer’s report and Secretary’s minutes will document the expenditure of funds.)
IV. Guidelines for Historian
A. Following election to office, confer with outgoing Historian to discuss responsibilities and arrange for transfer of historical materials by September 1.
B. Maintain a copy of all official Association meeting minutes, official Treasurer’s reports, Constitution and By-Laws, and Administrative Guidelines. Document Association activities during the year.
C. Maintain the historical materials in an orderly manner and pass them on to the succeeding Historian.
V. Guidelines for Parliamentarian
A. Following appointment to office, confer with outgoing Parliamentarian to discuss responsibilities of office and arrange for transfer of permanent records by September 1.
B. Provide a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws and Administrative Guidelines to new officers, Chapter Directors, and Committee Chairmen as needed.
C. Periodically review official documents to determine revisions needed. When needed, or as directed by the Board, prepare wording for amendments, deletions or additions and submit to Board for approval.
D. When changes in either document (Constitution and By-Laws and Administrative Guidelines) are needed, revise the document(s) with changes incorporated and distribute to all Chapter Directors, officers and Committee Chairmen. (Keep document on word processing programs when possible for easy revision.)
E. Inform President when parliamentary procedures are violated. Maintain a copy of the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order for easy reference to rule on questions of parliamentary procedure.
VI. Guidelines for Chapter Directors
A. Serve as communication link between chapter members and the Board by calling chapter meeting(s) to discuss concerns of the members and to report Association business.
B. At chapter meetings and/or through personal meetings with members, verify that paid members know when official minutes, newsletters, membership notices, etc. are posted to the web. Remind specialists that only members are eligible for Association services.
C. Collect dues of chapter members and forward to Association Treasurer. Encourage chapter to be 100% in membership.
D. Attend regularly scheduled and special Board meetings held during the year.
E. Accept special appointments or responsibilities as delegated by the President.
F. In the year that your term expires, conduct chapter election to select a new Board member. Send the name of the new Chapter Director to the President.
VII. Guidelines for All Committee Chairman (Co-Chairmen)
A. After accepting the Chairmanship of a committee, contact the appropriate outgoing Committee Chairman to discuss committee responsibilities and arrange for transfer of official records.
B. In cases of Co-Chairmanship, both parties will discuss responsibilities and mutually agree on how assignments will be divided.
C. Select committee members in cooperation with the President and President-elect. Involve as many members as possible on the various Association committees, try to avoid using only a few members on several committees. Chairmen and Co-Chairmen will determine the number of members needed on a committee. A list of committee members, that have agreed to serve, should be submitted to the President and President-elect prior to their first meeting.
D. Discuss the role of the committee with its members and assign tasks.
E. Set committee meeting times, arrange for meeting locations and notify members of details. Schedule meetings as needed in advance of regular Board meetings so plans and progress can be reported to the Board.
F. Attend Board meetings as requested by the President or send a committee report via the committee advisor or Board member liaison.
G. Prepare a written report of committee accomplishments for the year to submit to the President for archiving purposes.
VIII. Guidelines for Nominating Committee
A. See Guidelines for Chairman (Item VII.)
B. Select candidates for President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Historian prior to the spring board meeting in April or May.
C. Attempt to obtain a minimum of two candidates for each office. D. Select the best leadership possible from paid membership. Give priority for the office of President-elect to previous members of the Board, Committee Chairmen and/or active committee members.
E. Obtain consent from each nominee to verify willingness to serve if elected.
F. The slate of nominees will be reviewed at the spring Board meeting and voting will take place from June 15 to June 30. Prior to voting, brief statements describing nominees involvement in the Association should be posted on the Association web site.
G. A ballot will be prepared and sent by e-mail to all active members by the Association President with a reference made to the web link mentioned in F. The Association President will tally the ballots and the Nomination Committee Chairmen will verify the count. Results of the election will be shared with candidates prior to the annual meeting.
IX. Guidelines for Financial Committee
A. See Guidelines for Chairman (Item VII.).
B. At the beginning of the year, review Association expenditures for previous fiscal year and recommend modifications needed, if any, for current year’s budget.
C. Prior to the annual meeting, prepare a proposed budget for the Association’s next fiscal year and present it to the Board. Adequate flexibility should be built into the budget to allow the Executive Officers the opportunity to approve uncommon expenditures as they arise. Budget line items should have acceptable ranges for expenditures instead of a set dollar amount. All expenditures will be documented in the Treasurer’s report and reflected in the Secretary’s minutes.
D. Review accumulated financial resources of the Association and recommend ways to invest or use the funds.
X. Guidelines for Public Relations Committee
A. See Guidelines for Chairman (Item VII).
B. Plan activities for membership socials to be held at appropriate locations throughout the year. Determine what tasks have to be performed in order to accomplish a successful social function. Socials are open to paid members and invited guests.
C. Recommend social activities and projected costs to the Association President.
B. Set membership goal(s) and develop a plan to recruit members. Interpret purpose and benefits of Association to prospective members.
C. Coordinate membership promotion efforts with Chapter Directors and the Treasurer.
D. Collect dues as close as possible to the beginning of the year (August 1). When current membership list is provided by the Treasurer, send dues reminder notices to previous members who have not paid dues. Identify specialists who have allowed membership to lapse a few years or who have never joined Association and make special efforts to recruit these specialists.
E. Identify potential members mentioned in e-mails from the Human Resources Department. Send them a welcome letter explaining Association purposes, activities and the first year’s complimentary membership feature. Arrange to meet with new specialists during “New Employees Training” on campus, if possible. Follow up with personal visits.
F. Provide opportunity for non-member specialists to pay dues at Association socials. Coordinate on-site dues collection procedures with Public Relations Committee and Treasurer.
G. Near the end of the year (July 31), arrange for membership billing to collect dues for the next fiscal year. Encourage payment near the beginning of the year.
XIII. Guidelines for Benefits Committee
A. See Guidelines for Chairman (Item VII)
B. Contact Board members, officers and Association members for advice on areas of specific concern (i.e. retirement programs, insurance, etc.) and investigate areas of concern. Make recommendations to the Board for courses of action.
C. Identify programs which may provide goods or services at a discount to the membership. Submit information on recommended benefits to the Board for approval. If approved, disseminate information to the membership.
D. Communicate and cooperate with representatives of other Extension professional association committees concerned with staff benefits.
XIV. Guidelines for Awards Committee
A. See Guidelines for Chairman (Item VII).
B. Administer Distinguished Achievement Award for county Extension agents and the John E. Hutchison Award.
1. Review Award nomination form and selection criteria and recommend changes, if needed, to the Board. Revise criteria and form accordingly.
2. Distribute nomination form to Association members to solicit entries and determine due dates for nominations.
3. Receive nomination forms, review them and select one county Extension agent in each category – Agriculture, Home Economics, 4-H, Community Development, and Specialties. If no nominations are received for a category or if nominations received do not meet criteria, do not designate a winner in that category. Submit names of winners to the President prior to the Spring Board meeting held in April or May.
4. Prepare award statement and obtain award plaques for each recipient. Make arrangements for presenting plaques to winners and prepare letters of commendation for the Association President to sign.
5. Arrange for publicity announcing presentation of the awards.
XV. Guidelines for Retiree Committee
A. See Guidelines for Chairman (Item VII).
B. Retiree Recognition
1. Obtain names of specialists retiring since the last annual meeting (approximately August 1 to July 31). A list can be obtained from monthly listing of Changes for Personnel and/or from Extension Employee Benefits Manager.
2. Determine specialists eligible for recognition by the Association. To be recognized, the specialist should have been active in the Association during the time they were eligible for membership (should have been a dues paying Association member during three of the last five years they were employed, before retiring).
3. Work with President to plan retiree’s recognition during the business portion of the annual meeting or at another appropriate time.
C. Conduct Memorial Service In Honor of Deceased Member
1. At the Annual Association Meeting conduct a memorial service recognizing all members that have died.
2. When a current or retired member dies, make a $50.00 contribution in memory of the deceased to the State 4-H Center for discretionary purchase of a piece of equipment or furnishing at the Center. Charge the contribution to the Association’s savings account.
3. Inscribe a nameplate for the Association Memorial Plaque at the State 4-H Center with the name and Extension title of the deceased member. Charge the inscription costs to the Association’s savings account.
4. Prepare a statement for the President’s signature to be sent to the family of the deceased, indicating a contribution has been made to the State 4-H Center in memory of the deceased and that the name of the deceased has been placed on the Association’s Memorial Plaque.
XVI. Guidelines for Industry Liaison Committee
A. See Guidelines for Chairman (Item VII).
B. Maintain and keep updated a confidential list of influential individuals in business, industry or government that can generate support (especially in crisis situations) for Extension staff activities, as well as the Association and its members. Specialists who submit names for the list will serve as the sole contact for the liaison designated. Support may include public and private sector groups and involve funds, personal contacts or services (such as speakers).
C. Receive and review requests from Board or individual members to identify potential support contacts for a stated cause or need. Refer approved requests to the appropriate specialist. At his/her personal discretion, the contact specialist may discuss the need for support with the designated liaison.
XVII. Special Committees Will Receive Their Charge From the President.
To be approved by the Association Board of Directors, April 2004 9